Russia Honours Omani Member Of UN Body For Work On Continental Shelf Boundaries

Russia Honours Omani Member Of UN Body For Work On Continental Shelf Boundaries

New York: In a ceremony held at the Russian Mission to the United Nations in New York, the Russian Federation has bestowed upon Dr. Adnan Rashid Al Azri the prestigious "Order of Friendship" award. This honor is in recognition of Dr. Al Azri's exceptional contributions to the activities of the United Nations' Commission on Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS).

The ceremonial presentation of the honorary medal was conducted by Alexander Kozlov, the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology for the Russian Federation.

During the event, Kozlov expressed his admiration for Dr. Al Azri's significant role in fostering international collaboration regarding the boundaries of the continental shelf.

The award of the "Order of Friendship" to Dr. Al Azri serves as a testament to the strong bilateral relations between the Sultanate of Oman and the Russian Federation, as noted by Kozlov. Furthermore, this gesture is also a reflection of global recognition for Oman's contributions to international affairs.

It is important to highlight that Dr. Al Azri has been instrumental in leading several critical projects and initiatives designed to refine scientific principles and enhance relationships among member states.


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