National Policy For Local Content To Boost Exports

National Policy For Local Content To Boost Exports

Muscat: On Tuesday, His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik chaired a meeting of the Council of Ministers at Al Barakah Palace.

At the beginning of the meeting, His Majesty the Sultan expressed gratitude and offered praise to the Almighty Allah for the blessings of security and stability that have been bestowed upon Oman and its people. He prayed for the continuation of these blessings and wished good health and wellbeing for all citizens and residents of Oman.

During the meeting, His Majesty the Sultan discussed the current domestic conditions. He commended the achievements made in the past year (2023) and expressed satisfaction with the ongoing improvement in financial, economic, and social performance indicators. He emphasized the importance of all government departments maintaining their efforts to enhance performance.

In line with his commitment to monitoring the performance evaluation of government institutions in 2023, His Majesty the Sultan acknowledged the progress made, which indicates the realization of goals, visions, and aspirations in line with the evolving circumstances.

His Majesty emphasized the significance of authorities enhancing their assessment of all indicators in the current year (2024) and conducting a thorough analysis of strengths and weaknesses. The primary objective is to determine the most effective approaches to address potential challenges.

His Majesty the Sultan expressed his appreciation for the efforts made by government institutions in fulfilling their assigned tasks, particularly recognizing the units that received a 'high' and 'excellent' performance evaluation.

Additionally, His Majesty the Sultan commended the National Centre for Statistics and Information (NCSI) for meeting the statistical and informational needs of the State. He emphasized the importance of government departments utilizing the data provided by the NCSI as a foundation for planning, decision-making, evaluating government programs and projects, and assessing the effectiveness of policies and plans in achieving desired goals.

Regarding the implementation of the social protection scheme in 2024, His Majesty the Sultan emphasized the significance of monitoring the system's performance and all its programs. He issued directives to evaluate its performance and adapt to social and economic developments, with a particular focus on studying the needs of citizens, especially those who rely on the social protection system.

The Council of Ministers has instructed the relevant authorities to develop a national policy for local content, aiming to reduce imports and increase exports. The Council has approved the "National Policy for Local Content (2024-2030)" which aims to establish a national system for regulating and monitoring local content across all sectors. In this regard, His Majesty the Sultan stressed the importance of prioritizing all target objectives, including creating more employment opportunities for citizens, promoting domestic industries, supporting entrepreneurs, encouraging small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and startups, and reducing foreign purchases to achieve a surplus in the country's trade balance.

In order to promote the culture of local content and support national products, the Council of Ministers has approved the implementation of the "National Product Loyalty Programme". This initiative aims to encourage consumers to choose Omani products and contribute to the growth of local companies.

To fully utilize the diverse governorates of Oman and their natural, historical, and cultural attractions, the Council of Ministers emphasizes the importance of governors focusing on tourist sites within their respective regions. They should develop suitable plans to host tourism activities and events that attract visitors throughout the year.

To boost the gross domestic product (GDP), create local value, and provide employment opportunities for citizens, His Majesty the Sultan has instructed the development of the "Al Jabal Al Abyad" area and "Wakan" village within a specific timeframe. This includes the provision of necessary infrastructure and favorable conditions for the growth of these areas, which possess unique capabilities and tourist attractions that make them ideal destinations for trips, camping, and adventure tourism.

Furthermore, His Majesty the Sultan has directed the review of the roles of authorities responsible for food safety. The aim is to integrate these roles and ensure the effectiveness of relevant procedures. This step aligns with the Council of Ministers' focus on food safety and the implementation of legislation and executive measures to ensure the production, import, export, circulation, and consumption of safe food products for consumers' health.

The Council of Ministers has approved the outcomes of the third phase of the draft government services' pricing guide, in line with the ongoing efforts to streamline procedures and enhance the business environment and national economy's competitiveness. As part of these measures, a total of 411 fees will be cancelled, reduced, simplified, or merged. Additionally, the Council has given its approval to a proposal aimed at reducing the fees for drinking water connection services in both residential and non-residential units.

During his assessment of relations with Arab and friendly nations, His Majesty the Sultan emphasized the positive outcomes of recent visits and meetings. He reiterated the Sultanate of Oman's commitment to cooperation with all parties, guided by the principles and values of the country's foreign policy.

In conclusion, His Majesty the Sultan addressed various matters of national concern and provided directives accordingly. He expressed his sincere wishes for the continued success and progress of Oman and its loyal citizens.


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