Development Projects To Boost Local Community And Enrich Masirah Tourism Sector

Development Projects To Boost Local Community And Enrich Masirah Tourism Sector

Masirah: The Wilayat of Masirah, located in South Al Sharqiyah Governorate, is currently implementing several development projects across various sectors to enhance the local community and promote tourism.

The objective of these projects is to harness the potential of Masirah Island and create value for this crucial sector.

Sheikh Abdullah Ba’awain, the Wali of Masirah, stated that Masirah is anticipating the award of a tender for the construction of development projects, including the multi-purpose port project.

Among the projects to be undertaken is the connection of the wilayat of Masirah to the main network of Oman Electricity Transmission Company through a sea cable, as well as the installation of overhead electricity transmission lines from Mahut Station to the Station of Masirah.

Additionally, there are plans for communication and potable water projects, as well as the construction of a multi-purpose center which will be funded by the Oman-India Fertilizer Company.

Furthermore, road construction, lighting, landscaping, and the development of seafronts and parks are also part of the ongoing projects, according to Sheikh Abdullah Ba’awain.

He further mentioned that the Masirah Summer Forum, scheduled for August, will be organized by the Office of the Governor of South Al Sharqiyah in collaboration with the Office of the Wali of Masirah.


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