The Honourable Lady Visits Al Buraimi Governorate

The Honourable Lady Visits Al Buraimi Governorate

Al Buraimi: Her Highness Lady Assayida Ahd Abdullah Hamed Al Busaidi, the esteemed spouse of the Sultan of Oman, paid a visit to the Governorate of Al Buraimi on Wednesday. During her visit, she had the opportunity to explore the Al Wafa Centre for the Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities, the Al Sa’ra Oasis, and the Hisn Al Al Hillah castle.

Accompanied by Sayyid Dr. Hamad Ahmed Al Busaidi, the Governor of Al Buraimi, Lady Assayida Ahd Abdullah Hamed Al Busaidi toured the various sections of the Al Wafa Centre. She gained valuable insights into the rehabilitation and curative services provided to individuals with disabilities.

Lady Assayida Ahd Abdullah Hamed Al Busaidi received a comprehensive briefing on the centre's departments, specialized halls, and the wide range of services offered to disabled individuals of all age groups. She also learned about the center's plans to enhance their intellectual and motor skills through rehabilitation programs. Additionally, she had the opportunity to understand the center's goals and visions in supporting and empowering people with disabilities, enabling them to actively participate in society.

During her visit, Lady Assayida Ahd Abdullah Hamed Al Busaidi engaged in conversations with the center's beneficiaries to gain firsthand knowledge of the benefits they derived from the services provided. She also familiarized herself with the challenges and difficulties faced by these individuals.

Expressing her gratitude, Lady Assayida Ahd Abdullah Hamed Al Busaidi extended her heartfelt thanks to the dedicated staff of the center for their commitment in developing the potential of this segment of society. She conveyed her best wishes for their continued success in fulfilling their noble humanitarian mission.

The officials at Al Wafa Centre expressed their immense joy and appreciation to Lady Assayida Ahd Abdullah Hamed Al Busaidi for her timely visit, which further highlighted the importance of their work.

During her visit, the Honourable Lady had the opportunity to explore the Sa’ra Oasis in Al Buraimi, which is renowned for its beautiful stream called Sa’rani Falaj.

The Honourable Lady Visits Al Buraimi Governorate
To begin her visit, the Honourable Lady was presented with a visual presentation on the fascinating history of the "Tale of Al Sa’ra Oasis" and the efforts made by the local community and government departments to revive the falaj after a 15-year hiatus.

She then took a tour of the oasis to gain insights into the various activities that cater to visitors from all walks of life.

As the tour came to an end, the officials in charge honored the Honourable Lady by naming one of the olive trees "Al-Jalila" (the Honourable) as a token of appreciation for her visit and her support for community projects.

Expressing her gratitude, the Honourable Lady extended her thanks to the individuals responsible for the oasis and wished them success in their endeavors to provide exceptional community services.

Following her visit to the oasis, the Honourable Lady proceeded to the Hisn Al Hillah castle in the Wilayat of Al Buraimi. Here, she received a briefing on the Al Buraimi Governorate and had the opportunity to witness the craftsmanship of local self-employed families. Additionally, she explored an exhibition called "The Tale of Man," which showcased antiques and visual arts.

Before concluding her tour of Hisn Al Hillah, the Honourable Lady graciously signed the Visitors’ Book.

As her visit to Al Buraimi Governorate drew to a close, the Honourable Lady had the pleasure of meeting and engaging with a group of women from the governorate.


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