Safety First, ROP Tells Khareef Visitors

Safety First, ROP Tells Khareef Visitors

During the Khareef season, visitors to the Dhofar region are reminded by the Royal Oman Police (ROP) to prioritize safety when entering, staying, and leaving the Governorate.

While safety measures are in place for the Khareef festival, focusing on the well-being of both individuals and the environment, the ROP stresses that safety is a collective responsibility. A statement from the ROP emphasizes, "Safety is the duty of each person, and safeguarding oneself and others is part of civic responsibility."

Therefore, drivers are advised to ensure their vehicles are in good condition before starting their journey, follow traffic laws and regulations, and consider safety precautions.

Brigadier Saeed bin Hamad al Balushi, Commander of the Dhofar Governorate Police, stated, "It is essential to perform necessary maintenance before traveling to the Dhofar region due to the slippery terrain, which could pose risks to oneself and others. Additionally, drivers should obey speed limits, avoid overtaking in restricted areas, maintain a safe distance between vehicles, and refrain from using mobile phones while driving."

The ROP's relevant committees have been actively preparing for the 'Winter Festival' by conducting meetings and field visits to assess the needs of visitors and commercial entities in the governorates. Additionally, security and traffic procedures at tourist sites have been established well in advance.

Brigadier Saeed emphasized the General Police Command's commitment to increasing police presence at all tourist sites in the governorate and ensuring high-quality services for visitors.

He also mentioned that special measures have been implemented to manage the expected rise in tourist numbers during the Khareef season, in collaboration with relevant authorities, to guarantee visitor safety and smooth traffic flow to tourist attractions and event sites.

Furthermore, signboards have been installed at beaches and other tourist areas to uphold safety standards, while fencing has been put up around high-risk areas. Operating companies have also been alerted to ensure the safety of electric toys and adhere to warning regulations.

Road users can expect a smooth journey with the assurance of prompt roadside assistance in case of emergencies. Furthermore, Civil Defense and Ambulance Authority teams, mounted police, and Coast Guard are continuously patrolling beaches and water springs to educate the public, respond to incidents swiftly, and conduct rescue missions when needed.


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