Tender Issued For Major Recreational Project In Dakhiliyah

Tender Issued For Major Recreational Project In Dakhiliyah

The Tender Board's Secretariat General has issued a tender for the construction of Al Dakhiliyah Square, a key component of the 'Al Dakhiliyah Boulevard' initiative.

The Al Dakhiliyah Governorate aims to develop this project in the Nizwa region with a sustainable approach, focusing on service, investment, entertainment, culture, health, and environmental aspects.

The project is scheduled to be completed within two years, covering a total area of 145,000 square meters. It will feature 10 investment zones and 50 land lease contracts across various sectors. Once finished, the project is anticipated to attract around 944,000 tourists and visitors annually, creating 340 employment opportunities.

Governor Sheikh Hilal bin Said Al Hajri mentioned that Al Dakhiliyah Square will be an open square with an entertainment center strategically located in Nizwa. It will include open theaters, exhibition spaces for events, festivals, and gatherings.

The square will have a 3,985-meter walkway with green spaces and a 1,650-meter cycling path. Additionally, there will be an 80,000-square-meter open area, children's play zones, pathways, cafes, spaces for writers and entrepreneurs, as well as restaurants and kiosks.

The project is projected to generate revenues of OMR250,000, with OMR135,000 coming from leasing facilities, exhibitions, events, and festivals.

Governor Al Hajri expressed the Governorate's desire for corporate sector support in providing clean energy, constructing facilities, services, and offering investment opportunities for the project.


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