Oman Consulate In Mumbai Warns Of Medical Treatment Frauds

Oman Consulate In Mumbai Warns Of Medical Treatment Frauds

The Consulate General of Oman in Mumbai has been informed by numerous citizens about instances of exploitation and fraud by certain hospitals and physical therapy centers in collaboration with translators. This unfortunate situation has resulted in direct harm to the health of individuals, putting their lives at risk, and even leading to fatalities in some cases. Additionally, the costs of treatment have been significantly inflated.

In light of these reports, the Consulate has advised individuals seeking medical treatment in India to exercise caution. They are urged not to be swayed by advertisements or promotional campaigns, to avoid dealing with intermediaries like translators, and to carefully select hospitals for their treatment. It is important to verify that hospitals offer services as promised, including comprehensive treatment, and to inquire about treatment costs upfront.

Furthermore, the Consulate General emphasizes the importance of reviewing and following the guidelines available on its official website (

1. The patient and their companion must obtain a medical visa from the office authorized by the Indian Embassy in Muscat. This visa is legally required in order to receive treatment in India.

2. If there are valid reasons for continuing treatment at approved hospitals, the medical visa can be extended by the Department of Immigration in India.

3. The Indian tourist visa cannot be extended under any circumstances. It is important to leave before its validity period expires to avoid travel bans and financial penalties.

4. It is recommended to directly communicate with accredited hospitals and specialized doctors either through their websites or by visiting them in person, without involving any intermediaries. Hospitals and doctors should also ensure that no intermediaries are included in their records, and that recent medical reports of the patient in English are sent directly to the hospital for review.

5. It is essential to obtain an official letter and an invitation from the hospital, stating their consent to receive the patient, an initial treatment plan, expected duration, and estimated costs. This invitation should be included in the procedures for obtaining a medical visa.

6. Exercise caution when engaging with unlicensed intermediaries, such as medical coordination offices, taxi owners, translators, and medical treatment brokers, as they may receive a financial commission ranging from 30 to 40 percent of the treatment bill.

7. Be cautious of individuals who promote hospitals, clinics, and medical facilities through social media and internet platforms.

8. Refrain from transferring money to unknown intermediaries or individuals.

9. Make sure to carry the prescription when traveling and check the expiration date of medications.

10. In case of emergencies or death, it is essential for the designated escort to directly communicate with the Consulate to initiate the necessary procedures.

The Consulate General in Mumbai wishes for the safety and recovery of all individuals, emphasizing the importance of adhering to the aforementioned guidelines. It also encourages continuous communication and cooperation with the Consulate to ensure better and more efficient services for citizens.


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