Islamic World's Conference Of Endowment Ministers Underscores Support For Palestinian Cause

Islamic World's Conference Of Endowment Ministers Underscores Support For Palestinian Cause

Makkah: Represented by the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs, the Sultanate of Oman concluded its participation in the 9th Conference of Ministers of Endowments and Islamic Affairs, which took place in Makkah.

The conference, which spanned two days, was titled “Role of Ministries of Islamic Affairs and Endowments in Promoting the Principles of Moderation and Consolidation of Islamic Values.”

The delegation from Oman, under the leadership of Dr. Mohammed Said Al Maamari, Minister of Endowments and Religious Affairs, was represented at the event.

In its concluding remarks, the conference highlighted the Islamic World's unwavering support for the just cause of the Palestinians, emphasizing the importance of recognizing the Palestinian people's legitimate rights and protecting them from the brutalities and genocidal acts perpetrated by the occupying forces, particularly in the Gaza Strip.

The conference particularly focused on the necessity of acknowledging the Palestinian people's legitimate rights, including their right to establish an independent Palestinian state along the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem (Al Quds A'Sharqiyah) serving as its capital. It also advocated for the establishment of a just and enduring peace.

The concluding statement called upon the international community and all official, civil, charitable, humanitarian, and relief organizations to extend their support to the Palestinian people during this challenging time and to assist in alleviating their suffering.

The conference also emphasized the critical need for Islamic countries to uphold unity, a cornerstone principle of Islam, and to avoid any actions that could lead to division or rebellion against the Muslim community or its leadership. It cautioned that such divisions could result in significant corruption, bloodshed, the violation of sacred values, and the incitement of sectarianism.

Furthermore, the conference highlighted the importance of preserving moral and social values and protecting Muslim societies from foreign social concepts.


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