Grow Your Own Fruits And Vegetables At Home

Grow Your Own Fruits And Vegetables At Home

Introducing 'Oman Krishikkootam', a community of individuals who share a deep passion for farming and are dedicated to supporting and promoting the cultivation of fruits and vegetables. With over a decade of experience, this group has been actively involved in farming within limited spaces, such as backyards, terraces, buckets, and even throw-away containers.

Vinod Kumar, the group's chief administrator, explains, "We are committed to encouraging farming in unconventional spaces due to the limitations we face. Our aim is to make farming accessible and convenient for everyone." Currently, the group boasts a membership of nearly 4,000 individuals.

Oman Krishikkootam, a community-driven initiative, primarily focuses on promoting backyard farming. As they approach their tenth anniversary on April 19, they plan to celebrate with grand festivities. These celebrations will include the distribution of seeds and natural fertilizers, as well as providing guidance on cultivating plants without the use of artificial pesticides.

Furthermore, the group has developed a unique and eco-friendly approach to pest control. They create a natural pesticide by fermenting a mixture of sardines fish and jaggery in darkness for 45 days. This alternative not only protects crops but also nourishes the soil, utilizing food waste as a valuable resource.

Oman Krishikkootam has truly made significant contributions to the farming community, empowering both experienced farmers and beginners alike. Their dedication to sustainable and accessible farming practices has garnered them widespread recognition and support.

The distribution of a wide variety of vegetable seeds, such as carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, cabbage, arugula, celery, lettuce, coriander leaves, mint, and spring onions, is underway. This initiative is bringing a green revolution to households, farm enthusiasts, and those who enjoy engaging in creative activities. 

The seeds are sourced from government farms and agricultural units in India, providing members with the opportunity to grow their own food annually. Thousands of seed packets are distributed, each containing 15 different types of fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, okra, grapes, and beetroot. Members are given guidance on cultivation best practices, including soil enrichment methods and optimal planting techniques.

Through WhatsApp groups managed by dedicated moderators, knowledge and expertise are shared to ensure that members receive continuous support and guidance in their farming endeavors.

"It's all about consuming chemical-free fruits and vegetables. These crops not only provide our bodies with nutritious food but also nourish our souls by fostering a deep connection to the land and community. Cultivating your own food requires commitment," explained Santosh Varghese, another administrator.

"All you need to do is dedicate around 30 minutes each day to tend to the plants and ensure they thrive, ultimately benefiting your family's health," he emphasized.


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