Environment Authority Signs Cooperation Programme In Green Finance

Environment Authority Signs Cooperation Programme In Green Finance

Muscat: On Tuesday, the Environment Authority of Oman and the Global Green Growth Institute jointly signed a cooperation agreement aimed at advancing nature-based solutions, land reclamation, and the facilitation of access to green finance within the Sultanate.

This five-year initiative is designed to bolster collaborative efforts in preserving environmental sustainability and tackling the challenges posed by climate change.

The agreement was officiated by Dr. Abdullah Ali Al Amri, the esteemed Chairman of the Environment Authority, alongside Mahamadou Tounkara, the Regional Director of the Global Green Growth Institute for the Middle East and North Africa.

Under the terms of the agreement, both parties will engage in the exchange of information, legislation, strategic plans, expertise, and exemplary practices concerning adaptation to climate change and the mitigation of its impacts, as outlined in the program. Furthermore, the initiative encourages the adoption of innovative climate technologies and the enhancement of resource efficiency.

Moreover, the program focuses on the improvement of livelihoods and the resilience of ecosystems through the implementation of nature-based solutions, as well as the creation of green jobs, fostering entrepreneurship, and providing support to the Green Climate Fund.

The Global Green Growth Institute is an intergovernmental international organization committed to fostering sustainable economic development in developing nations.


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