Celebration Of National Day And Constitution Day Of Nepal In Oman

Celebration Of National Day And Constitution Day Of Nepal In Oman

Muscat: The Embassy of Nepal hosted a formal reception at the Intercontinental Muscat Hotel on the 17th of September, 2024, to commemorate both the National Day and the Constitution Day of Nepal.

Celebration Of National Day And Constitution Day Of Nepal In Oman
Dr. Said bin Mohammed Al Saqri, the Minister of Economy, was the distinguished Guest of Honour, serving as the Chief Guest.

The delegation representing the Sultanate of Oman was composed of two members each from the State Council and Shura Council, alongside the Heads of the Asia and Pacific Department and the Arab Department of the Foreign Ministry.

The assembly also included Heads of Diplomatic Missions, diplomats, media representatives, entrepreneurs in tourism and business, bloggers, and representatives from the Nepali community, in addition to embassy staff.

A total of over 230 guests were in attendance.

The formal commencement of the reception was marked by Dornath Aryal, the Ambassador of Nepal to the Sultanate of Oman, who ceremonially lit the traditional Panas Lamp.

During his address, Ambassador Aryal extended a warm welcome to the guests and underscored the significant aspects of the Constitution of Nepal. He detailed how the constitution has laid the foundation for peace, stability, and progress in the economic and social spheres.

He elaborated on how the constitution has institutionalized the principles of inclusive democracy, ensuring a 33 percent representation of women in all state organs.

The ambassador further highlighted the enduring friendship, mutual trust, and understanding between Oman and Nepal, dating back to the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1977.

He also mentioned the recent engagements, including the visit of Sayyid Badr bin Hamad Al Busaidi, the Foreign Minister of Oman, from the 26th to the 27th of August, 2024, and the participation of Foreign Secretary Sewa Lamsal in Oman from the 5th to the 9th of August, 2024, in the inaugural meeting of bilateral consultations and the visit of a seven-member delegation led by Ambassador Sulaiman Saud Ali Aziz Al Jabri, the Head of the Legal Department of the Foreign Ministry, to Nepal from the 1st to the 5th of August, 2024, to discuss various draft Memoranda of Understanding between Nepal and Oman.

The Ambassador elucidated on the successful conclusion of the third Investment Summit, which took place in April 2024, highlighting the government's commitment to fostering foreign investment in Nepal.

He emphasized the country's rich water resources, vast hydropower potential, and allure as a tourist destination.

Furthermore, he commended the Oman Vision 2040 strategy and expressed his appreciation to the Omani government for creating employment opportunities for over 22,000 Nepalis across various sectors.

A celebratory cake was jointly sliced by the Guest of Honor and the Ambassador.

The embassy also inaugurated a "Nepali Food Corner," which offered a selection of Nepali cuisine, including MoMo, and showcased Nepali products, handicrafts, and exquisite paintings.

Additionally, a tourism promotional video was presented during the occasion. Bishesh Kumar Sah, the Second Secretary/DCM, was responsible for the organization of the event.


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