Annual Day Of Influential Omani Figures Listed In Unesco Celebrated

Annual Day Of Influential Omani Figures Listed In Unesco Celebrated

The Sultanate of Oman, through the Oman National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, commemorated the Annual Day of Globally Influential Omani Personalities recognized by Unesco on 18 February, which is observed annually on 10 February.

The event took place at Jibreen Fort in the Wilayat of Bahla, Al Dakhiliyah Governorate, under the auspices of Ibrahim bin Said Al Kharoussi, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Heritage and Tourism for Heritage.

The celebration was a collaborative effort between government entities and private sector organizations dedicated to preserving Omani cultural heritage.

Its main objective was to highlight the impact of Omani personalities on a global scale, both locally and internationally.

Furthermore, the event aimed to showcase Jibreen Fort, a Unesco-listed site, as part of the anniversary celebrations honoring significant historical events and globally influential figures.

Dr. Mahmoud bin Abdullah Al Abri, Assistant Secretary of Oman National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, highlighted the fort's architecture and engineering methods, emphasizing their impact on science and education. Many students from Arab countries attended science lessons to witness this firsthand.

In the realm of heritage and culture, Oman has made a significant mark on the global stage, particularly at Unesco. Said bin Salim Al Jadidi from the Heritage and Tourism Department in Al Dakhiliyah Governorate presented a detailed paper on the maintenance and restoration of Jibreen Fort.

As part of the festivities, students from Imam Bilarab bin Sultan Basic Education School performed an operetta titled “Oman; glory and civilization”.

Oman's achievements include the recognition of seven Omani figures and one event in the Unesco program, commemorating key historic events and influential personalities on a global scale.


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