Statement Issued On Monthly Allowance For Scholarship Students Pursuing Higher Education

Statement Issued On Monthly Allowance For Scholarship Students Pursuing Higher Education

Muscat: The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation has issued a statement regarding the provision of monthly allowances to students pursuing internal scholarships at private higher education institutions within the Sultanate of Oman.

In accordance with the benevolent directives from His Majesty the Sultan, who has authorized the provision of monthly allowances to students eligible under the guidelines established by the National Support System Committee. These students, who are pursuing their studies at private higher education institutions, will be entitled to receive these allowances commencing with the academic year 2024/2025.

The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation is in the process of collaborating with the National Support System Committee to develop an electronic platform on the National Support System website. This platform will facilitate the submission of applications from students who are pursuing internal scholarships at private higher education institutions and meet the specified eligibility criteria, which include a family income level that aligns with the standards for electricity support approved by the National Support System. This income threshold is linked to a monthly allowance of OMR 1,250, adjusted based on the number of family members.

The criteria for the allocation of monthly allowances are determined by the family income level and the distance of the student from the educational institution. Students who satisfy these criteria will be eligible to receive allowances, which will range from OMR 45 to OMR 90 per month, contingent upon their geographical proximity to the institution. The Ministry intends to announce the launch of the online application platform once all necessary preparations have been completed.

Upon the successful coordination of all aspects related to the students, the Ministry will proceed to announce the activation of the online application platform on the National Support System website, thereby inviting students to submit their applications. It is therefore incumbent upon the students to remain vigilant and follow the announcements issued by the Ministry regarding this matter.


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