Residents Seek Paved Roads

Residents Seek Paved Roads

Muscat: The populace of Al Kawthar locality in the vicinity of Al Khoudh, Al Seeb faces critical challenges due to neglected, unpaved roads that have remained untouched for over seven years. This neighborhood is grappling with severe infrastructural inadequacies, a situation that has escalated due to the lack of maintenance and improvements in the area's infrastructure.

Residents in this neighborhood have voiced their concerns to the Muscat Municipality since 2017, requesting prompt attention and resolution to the issues at hand. Regrettably, the municipality's responses have been protracted and insufficient. There is a clear call for authorities to fulfill their commitment to the road paving project originally scheduled for 2020.

The deplorable condition of the unpaved roads has led to a spike in the frequency of vehicle malfunctions, significantly impacting the ease of transportation and delivery services. Moreover, the terrain provides an ideal habitat for hazardous reptiles and insects, presenting a grave risk to the residents, particularly to the young.

Furthermore, the improper disposal of construction debris by nearby corporations has exacerbated the deteriorating living conditions and compromised the safety of the residents. The accumulation of waste in the area has made it a haven for waste management issues, attracting venomous snakes and scorpions, and jeopardizing the health and safety of the inhabitants.

Despite reaching out to the municipality since 2016, no significant progress has been made. The persistence of the unpaved roads continues to hinder daily routines, affecting the transportation of children to schools, with bus services avoiding the area. The frequency of air conditioning breakdowns and the risk posed by snakes and scorpions further illustrate the dire need for action.

In light of these circumstances, it is imperative that immediate measures be taken to rectify the situation and enhance the quality of life for the residents of Al Kawthar. The municipality is called upon to ensure a clear roadmap towards the resolution of these pressing infrastructural issues.


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