Muscat Toddler Sets World Record For Fastest Counting

Muscat Toddler Sets World Record For Fastest Counting

Musqat: At an age when most young girls are fascinated by dolls and toys, a toddler from Muscat has already made a significant impact on the global stage. Vianna Kanojia, who is just 20 months old, has achieved a world record for the "Fastest Recitation of 1 to 10 Counting by a Toddler."

On April 6, 2024, Vianna's proud parents, Sanjit and Payal, witnessed her incredible recitation. In a mere six seconds, she counted from 1 to 10, surpassing the previous record of eight seconds. Recently, they received the official certificate and confirmation of her extraordinary accomplishment.

During her record-setting recitation, Vianna was only one year, eight months, and fifteen days old.

The International Book of Records, a global organization with ambassadors worldwide, validated the record. This platform provides individuals with the opportunity to showcase their unique talents and inspire others to push their boundaries. The organization meticulously documents and publishes noteworthy records across a wide range of achievements.

In an interview with the Times of Oman, Vianna's father, Sanjit Kanojia, shared, "We discovered this platform through social media, where we saw numerous individuals showcasing their talents in various fields, which truly inspired us. We have always been amazed by Vianna's ability to quickly grasp things, often leaving us speechless. She adores listening to rhymes and music, and even sings along to her favorite songs."

Sanjit further added, "At the tender age of 15 months, she had already begun reciting alphabets and numbers.

Vianna's mother, Payal, expressed their delight and pride at her setting a world record at such a young age.

As parents, they always believed in Vianna's potential and encouraged her to participate. They hope that she will continue to achieve more success in her life and they are fully committed to supporting her in all her endeavors.

They also expressed their gratitude to the International Book of Records for recognizing Vianna's talent. Vianna's achievement is now a part of the global narrative of the International Book of Records, inspiring both children and parents to acknowledge and nurture their unique talents. Her story serves as a reminder that age should never be a barrier to achieving great things.

Vianna's parents, Sanjit and Payal, are confident that this is just the beginning of many more accomplishments to come. They are dedicated to supporting and nurturing her talents and eagerly anticipate a future filled with even more remarkable milestones.


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