Khareef Lends Full Glory To Ain Hamran

Khareef Lends Full Glory To Ain Hamran

SALALAH: Ain Hamran presents a breathtaking spring, enveloped in vibrant greenery, towering forests, and awe-inspiring caves. This site, situated approximately 17 kilometers from the Wilayat, serves a dual purpose, providing both drinking water for the livestock and irrigation water for the neighboring orchards. The area is blanketed by a variety of trees, creating a picturesque vista that has cemented its status as one of the premier tourist destinations within the Wilayat of Salalah, drawing visitors year-round, with a notable uptick in autumn.

The springs that emerge here are not merely a sight to behold but also possess a distinct allure, transforming the landscape into a serene oasis. It offers a sanctuary for those seeking solace and mental peace, alongside the opportunity to immerse oneself in the captivating scenery and enjoy the temperate climate of Ain Hamran.

Noteworthy among the flora surrounding Ain Hamran are the Sidr, fig, and coconut trees. In the ancient past, this spring played a crucial role in irrigation, sustaining farmlands across the Hamran plain. Here, locals cultivated a wide array of crops including corn, sugar cane, sweet potatoes, and more.

During the rainy season, certain spots atop the valley emerge as vantage points to witness the spring's magnificent water flow that persists for several weeks, setting it apart from its counterparts.


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