General Education Diploma Exams Conclude With Mixed Feelings

General Education Diploma Exams Conclude With Mixed Feelings

The second semester exams for the General Education Diploma (GED) were completed in Oman on Tuesday, with students finishing their final paper. As they left the exam halls, students experienced a mix of emotions, feeling both joy and relief, as well as anticipation and anxiety, while awaiting the announcement of their results which will determine their future entry into universities and colleges.

Experts in psychology emphasize the sensitivity of this period for students, highlighting the importance of providing a calm and supportive environment for them. It is crucial to avoid any discussions or expectations that could lead to stress and anxiety, potentially impacting their mental well-being.

Families and friends are advised to refrain from discussing exam scores and semester percentages in front of students during this time. The goal is to prevent any psychological pressure that could affect their mood and diminish their sense of accomplishment after a challenging academic year.

Specialists stress the significance of creating a peaceful and encouraging atmosphere for students during this critical period, while steering clear of any conversations or stressors related to exam outcomes or university admissions. They recommend encouraging students to take this time to relax and engage in activities that bring them joy, in order to avoid any feelings of tension or anxiety.

Ahmed al Raisi emphasized the importance of families understanding the significance of this period in a student's life. He highlighted the need for families to provide support to students after a year of hard work and study, away from the stress of academic outcomes. Al Raisi suggested focusing on students' achievements and engaging them in recreational activities to help them relax and forget about exam worries.

Al Raisi also mentioned that organizing family and social events can positively impact students' mental well-being. He recommended arranging short trips or family gatherings to promote fun and optimism among students, which can reduce stress, strengthen family bonds, and show support and care to students.

Furthermore, Al Raisi stressed the importance of educating parents on how to handle this crucial period. He advised creating a calm and stable home environment, avoiding discussions about exam results and university admissions, and instead encouraging students to relax and pursue their hobbies. Providing psychological support during this time can significantly help students cope with future challenges.

Lastly, Al Raisi underlined the significance of praising students' efforts and successes, regardless of the final outcomes. This positive reinforcement can boost students' self-confidence and motivate them to progress successfully in their educational journey.


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