Defence Ministry Secretary-General Visits Military Exercises 'Decision Making 11', 'Al Hazm'

Defence Ministry Secretary-General Visits Military Exercises 'Decision Making 11', 'Al Hazm'

Dr. Mohammed Nasser Al Zaabi, Secretary-General of the Ministry of Defence, conducted visits to two military exercises organized by institutions of the Academy for Strategic and Defence Studies.

During the first visit, he observed the strategic exercise named “Decision Making 11” carried out by participants in the 11th course at the National Defence College.

The second visit was to the annual military exercise “Al Hazm” conducted by participants in the 37th course at the Joint Command and Staff College.

Accompanied by Maj. Gen Hamid Ahmed Sakroon, Chairman of the Academy for Strategic and Defence Studies, and other senior officers, Al Zaabi received briefings on the objectives of the exercises and their significance in preparing participants for challenging scenarios.


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