Centre Of Innovation, Entrepreneurship And Sustainability Opens At Modern College Of Commerce And Science

Centre Of Innovation, Entrepreneurship And Sustainability Opens At Modern College Of Commerce And Science

Dr. Salah bin Sumar Al Zadjali, Director General of Programs and Capacity Building at the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, emphasized the Ministry's commitment to fostering innovation in higher education institutions through the establishment of innovation centers. These centers will offer essential services such as business incubators, accelerators, and support for intellectual property rights. Additionally, they will provide guidance on technology registration, transfer, and localization. The Ministry also aims to set up modeling laboratories to nurture innovative startups that will contribute to the growth of the national economy.

Dr. Musa bin Abdullah Al Kindi, Dean of the Modern College of Commerce and Science, highlighted the college's dedication to enhancing the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre. Efforts are underway to improve services and facilities, including the incubation and acceleration of projects for students and external beneficiaries. The center will offer necessary resources to ensure the success of emerging companies and startups.

The college is actively working towards completing the innovation, scientific research, and sustainability system through its various facilities, such as the technology transfer and localization office. Plans are also in progress to establish a manufacturing laboratory.

Furthermore, the establishment of a sustainability center at the college reflects its dedication to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This center will conduct awareness and education programs on environmental sustainability, coordinate research initiatives, and engage the community in sustainability efforts.

During the event, Her Excellency Dr. Rahma bint Ibrahim Al Mahrouqi, Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, and the event's sponsor, visited the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre as well as the Sustainability Centre. She received a detailed explanation about both facilities.


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