Water Connection Fees Reduction Eases Burden On Citizens

Water Connection Fees Reduction Eases Burden On Citizens

Muscat: The Authority for Public Services Regulation (APSR) has confirmed that the instructions given by His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik to reduce the fees for residential water service connections will alleviate the financial burden on citizens and demonstrate his commitment to providing essential public services and promoting sustainable development.

According to APSR, the reduction in water connection fees will come into effect on 1st February 2024. The fees for residential units have been reduced from OMR700 to OMR200.

APSR has stated that subscribers who have already paid OMR200 will not be required to pay any additional amounts. However, any payments made above OMR200 prior to the Royal directives will not be refunded.

For subscribers who have not yet paid OMR200, APSR has provided two options: they can either pay the outstanding balance in installments or make a one-time payment.

Regarding non-residential units such as government, industrial, commercial, and tourist buildings, the water connection fees will be determined based on the building's area. The fees are as follows:

- Buildings with a total area equal to or less than 500 square meters (sqm) will be charged OMR600.
- Buildings with an area ranging from 501 to 1000 sqm will be charged OMR950.
- Buildings with an area ranging from 1,001 to 2,000 sqm will be charged OMR1,300.

For buildings with an area exceeding 2,001 sqm, they will be charged either OMR1,300 or the actual connection value, whichever is higher.


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