Vernal Equinox: When Is The First Day Of Spring 2025 In Oman?

Vernal Equinox: When Is The First Day Of Spring 2025 In Oman?

Muscat: On Thursday, March 20, 2025, the Sultanate of Oman will experience the vernal equinox, signaling the official start of spring, as reported by the Oman Society for Astronomy and Space. According to astronomical calculations, this year's equinox will take place at 1:07 PM Muscat time, when the sun will be directly above the equator. In the Muscat Governorate, sunrise will occur at 6:11 AM, with the sun reaching its highest point at 12:14 PM and setting at 6:18 PM. On this day, most regions around the globe will experience nearly equal lengths of day and night, with Muscat enjoying 12 hours, 7 minutes, and 24 seconds of daylight.

This event is a result of the Earth's axial tilt of 23.5 degrees during its orbit around the sun, which causes variations in solar radiation between the hemispheres throughout the year. Although the vernal equinox suggests equal day and night, the exact moment of balance for Oman was observed on March 15. The equinox typically occurs on March 20, 21, or 22, due to the discrepancies between the calendar year and the tropical year, with leap days introduced to maintain alignment. On this date, the sun moves from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere, marking the onset of spring in the north and autumn in the south. The sun rises exactly at 90 degrees east and sets directly west, providing a clear reference for navigation. At the poles, this event signifies the beginning of six months of continuous daylight at the North Pole and six months of darkness at the South Pole.

After the vernal equinox, the duration of daylight will steadily increase until the arrival of the summer solstice. Spring is commonly recognized as the ideal time for planting, as the warming soil and extended daylight promote the growth of crops. The vernal equinox is one of four key astronomical events each year that mark the changing seasons, along with the summer solstice, autumnal equinox, and winter solstice. These fluctuations in daylight hours are mainly a result of the sun's tilt in relation to the equator and the geographical latitude.


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