Tiny Vr Goggles Unveiled For Studying Lab Mouse Brain Activity

Tiny Vr Goggles Unveiled For Studying Lab Mouse Brain Activity

Northwestern University scientists have developed a compact virtual reality (VR) device called iMRSIV (Miniature Rodent Stereo Illumination VR) that can be worn by lab mice. Unlike traditional VR setups, this custom-designed device is positioned at the front of a treadmill where the mice run, creating a more immersive experience.

Tiny Vr Goggles Unveiled For Studying Lab Mouse Brain Activity

The researchers discovered that the mice adapted more quickly to this VR environment compared to flat display setups. By projecting expanding dark spots at the top of the displays to simulate threats like birds, the scientists were able to study the imprinted behaviors wired inside the mice's brains, including their responses to threats.

The study's findings, published in the journal Neuron, open up new possibilities for researching brain activity and behavior in mice. The team plans to further their investigations by allowing mice to act as predators while hunting insects. This innovative use of VR technology provides a realistic and immersive environment, offering valuable insights into the neural responses and interactions of animals in different scenarios.


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