Specialists At Razat Farm Discover New Species Of Banana

Specialists At Razat Farm Discover New Species Of Banana

Salalah: Experts at Razat Farm in Salalah have successfully identified a novel type of banana through careful observation of its natural growth, which was a result of an unexpected genetic mutation.

This mutation occurred in a banana field that primarily cultivated the Williams variety [AAA], which belongs to the Cavendish group.

Razat Farm, which is affiliated with the Royal Court Affairs, initiated the process by selecting small seedlings of this new variety in 2015. Over a span of three years, they closely monitored its cultivation, ultimately leading to the development of this unique mutant banana plant.

Upon confirming the genetic stability of this new variety and witnessing its positive attributes, the specialists conducted a thorough comparison between the new species and its parent variety (Williams AAA). Through this analysis, they were able to establish that the new variety possesses distinct genetic characteristics of its own.

In addition to its remarkable adaptability to various soil, water, and weather conditions, the Razat Banana also exhibits a shorter stem compared to the original variety. This shorter stem proves advantageous as it provides better support to the cluster of fruits, safeguarding them from potential damage caused by strong winds.

Furthermore, the new variety showcases two additional positive features. It boasts robust leaves and has the ability to yield fully ripe fruits for harvest three weeks earlier than the parent variety. Additionally, it possesses thicker stems and less curved fruits.

The introduction of this new species, known as the Razat Banana, is expected to significantly contribute to the farm's economic revenue.


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