Shura Council Participates In Emergency Meeting On Palestine

Shura Council Participates In Emergency Meeting On Palestine

Tehran: The Shura Council actively participated in two significant meetings held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran. Firstly, it attended the 5th emergency meeting of the Permanent Committee on Palestine of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC). Secondly, it took part in the inaugural meeting of the Palestine committee at the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA). 

Representing the Shura Council in these meetings was Tahir Mabkhout Al Junaibi, the esteemed Deputy Chairman of the Shura Council. During the 5th PUIC emergency meeting, Al Junaibi strongly emphasized the unwavering position of the government and people of the Sultanate of Oman. He condemned the continuous Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip and called for an immediate ceasefire, as well as the facilitation of humanitarian aid.

Al Junaibi further expressed Oman's firm rejection of all excuses and justifications put forth by Israel for their acts of war and genocide against the Palestinian people. He highlighted that these military actions by Israel blatantly violated the principles of international law and humanitarian values.

Additionally, the two meetings extensively discussed the devastating consequences of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip. They also explored various ways in which parliaments could extend their support to the resilient Palestinian people in their pursuit of their legitimate rights.


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