Nurturing Green Spaces For Urban Sustainable Living

Nurturing Green Spaces For Urban Sustainable Living

Muscat: The Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning in Oman has launched a range of initiatives across the Sultanate's governorates in order to promote sustainable urban development. These initiatives aim to improve the quality of life and create attractive cities that align with planning policies and criteria.

Nurturing Green Spaces For Urban Sustainable Living

Dr. Hanan bint Amer Al Jabri, Director General of Urban Planning, highlighted the importance of nurturing green spaces within city landscapes. She emphasized the holistic approach taken to redefine urban living and the significant role that abundant green areas play in enhancing residents' quality of life.

During a recent presentation titled 'Vibrant Public Places', Dr. Hanan discussed the collaborative effort involving various government stakeholders, including Muscat Municipality and the Environment Authority. The 'Vibrant Public Places' initiative focuses on humanizing cities, making them more dynamic, and improving the livability of public spaces by reducing concrete and cement structures.

Vibrant Public Places

Dr. Hanan stated that the goal is to increase the allocation of public space per person in Muscat Governorate from 2 to 4 square meters, with plans to extend this enhancement to other governorates. The aim is to create lively and verdant spaces that promote community interaction and well-being.

These initiatives align with the Ministry's efforts to encourage green initiatives among citizens. Encouraging the planting of trees around residential units and integrating landscaping quotas into land planning regulations are instrumental steps towards nurturing greenery within urban landscapes.

Furthermore, a recent nationwide tree planting event, conducted collaboratively across all governorates, not only expanded green spaces but also educated and empowered communities about the benefits of green areas in urban settings.

green areas in urban

Muscat's urban planning initiatives go beyond mere development by prioritizing sustainable landscaping and creating green havens within the city. This emphasis on sustainability reflects the city's vision for a greener and more sustainable future.

Muscat aims to become a role model for eco-conscious urban living, and its dedication to nurturing green spaces further establishes its position as a beacon of sustainable urbanization in the Sultanate and the wider region.


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