Ministry Launches Smart Mobility Service Trial With Electric Scooters

Ministry Launches Smart Mobility Service Trial With Electric Scooters

The Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology, in collaboration with Knowledge Oasis Muscat, the technical arm of Madayn, has launched the pilot project "Smart Mobility Service Using Electric Scooters" by Omani company "Salik". This initiative is the inaugural project under the "Sandbox" regulatory framework. Knowledge Oasis Muscat, under the Ministry's umbrella, will serve as the nurturing environment for this trial phase.

The primary goal of this project is to regulate the electric scooter transportation service and offer it as a sustainable and efficient mode of travel. It aims to promote the use of alternative transportation methods, alleviate traffic congestion, and reduce carbon emissions. The project is anticipated to enhance the transportation experience for citizens and residents of the Sultanate, foster innovation and growth in the transportation and logistics sector, and inspire startups to deliver smart mobility services.

The trial run of the electric scooter service at Knowledge Oasis Muscat is set to run for six months, allowing users to experience and assess the service's effectiveness and impact on urban transportation. This trial marks a significant stride towards sustainability and progress in Oman's transportation sector, paving the way for more inventive initiatives in the field.


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