For second time in 2023, Moody's upgrades Oman's rating to 'Ba1' with stable outlook

For second time in 2023, Moody's upgrades Oman's rating to 'Ba1' with stable outlook

Moody's Investors Service has once again upgraded Oman's credit rating, raising it from 'Ba2' to 'Ba1' with a stable outlook. This marks the second time in 2023 that Moody's has improved Oman's rating.

According to Moody's, this upgrade reflects the positive economic developments and the government's commitment to implementing economic reforms. Oman has been working towards diversifying its economy away from oil dependence and has made progress in reducing its fiscal deficit.

For second time in 2023, Moody's upgrades Oman's rating to 'Ba1' with stable outlook
The rating agency also highlighted Oman's strong credit metrics, including low government debt levels and high foreign exchange reserves. Additionally, Moody's mentioned the country's robust institutional framework and adequate banking system as contributing factors to the improved rating.

The stable outlook indicates that Moody's expects Oman's creditworthiness to remain strong in the near term. However, the rating agency cautioned that challenges still exist, such as the potential impact of external shocks, geopolitical tensions, and the vulnerability of the country's economy to oil price fluctuations.

Overall, Moody's upgrade of Oman's rating to 'Ba1' reflects the country's efforts towards economic diversification and its positive fiscal trajectory. It provides a boost to investor confidence and may support Oman's access to international capital markets on favorable terms.


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