Al Wusta Governorate Braces For Khareef Dhofar 2024 Season

Al Wusta Governorate Braces For Khareef Dhofar 2024 Season

Haima: The Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology, through the Roads Department in Al Wusta Governorate, is implementing measures to enhance its preparedness in order to maximize the benefits of the Khareef Dhofar 2024 season.

Bakhit Salim Al Awa’id, the Director of the Roads Department in Al Wusta Governorate, stated that his department is actively involved in the removal of sand layers from the roads leading to the Dhofar Governorate, such as the Adam-Thumrait road, Sinaw-Duqm-Hasik road, Al Ashkharah-Mahout road, and Mahout-Al Zamaim road.

Al Awa’id further mentioned that the department has recently awarded a tender for the management of road links in the Wilayat of Haima in the first quarter of 2024, with the aim of assisting in the construction of the remaining sections of the Adam-Thumrait dual road. Additionally, efforts are being made to restore networks and organize road markers to ensure the smooth flow of traffic and the safety of road users.


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