Muscat: A group of Omani youth and British adventurers has initiated an exploratory journey titled “Oman: Jewel of Arabia,” which began at Al-Swaih Beach in the Wilayat of Jalan Bani Bu Ali, located in the South Al Sharqiyah Governorate.
This expedition will navigate through the North Al Sharqiyah and Al Wusta Governorates, ultimately reaching the Dhofar Governorate over a span of 30 days.
The primary objective of this journey is to reinforce the historical connections between Oman and the United Kingdom, emphasizing the cultural, natural, and tourism heritage of the Sultanate of Oman, while also raising global awareness regarding the significance of environmental sustainability.
The expedition retraces the route taken by British explorer Bertram Thomas, renowned for being the first European to traverse the Empty Quarter desert (Rub’ al Khali) between 1930 and 1931, alongside Omani guide Sheikh Saleh bin Kalut.
The “Oman: Jewel of Arabia” expedition not only commemorates this remarkable achievement but also acts as a platform to showcase Oman’s rich heritage and stunning landscapes, promoting sustainable tourism and enhancing bilateral relations.